I’m like a carnivore. Vegetarian diet for me is like asking a tiger eating grass!

But I have no choice. It is a must for speedy recovery as according to Chinese Physician. For skin disease such as Chinese Snake Virus (Herpes Zoster), I am to stay away from lots of favorite food and drinks; and I am starting to miss them. This is what I am missing:
Coffee (No Bean Product),



Ice-cream (No Milk Product),

Seafood (Considered Poisonous Product)

and Sushi (Except those cucumber one).

I am craving for them! Can anyone help shifting my attention? Miserable life here….
Wakaka, thats pity of you. I guest you online also susah since nowadays too many food blogs! Good luck!
poor thing.. get well soon
hey dude, when are you gonna be back in Kuching ahh?? I forgot ki....
have you tried to seek other alternative treatments.. like witch doctor stuff?
i heard from my tuition teacher that last time he kena snake.. and his parents bought him to these kind of place.. and the "doctor" directly told him that he kena snake.. and she took a string which is the same length as the "snake" with some ritual stuff den cut the string into half.. and burned it directly..
the next day.. the "snake" which was on his body starts to disappear.. starting from the middle part.. where it was like "cut" off, just like that string..
hmm.. weird huh?!
Mrcoolku -> Yup, nice nice food.... I'm hungry...
Lion -> Thx man!
dreckker -> 8th May, going pub straight after that?
Anonymous -> Gee that's strange but thanks for the info. Luckily the string was only aim at the 'snake' wat if he aimed wrongly and your tuition teacher later became a girl?
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