Lately I was researching for a good dining place and Victoria Station was one of my preferred options.

Not knowing how’s the food and service like, I went to check to ask around.
AsX: What do you think of Victoria Station at Prai? Good or not?
Chinese Guy: Not bad, actually pretty good. I rate it same as the Sh*t.
AsX: Sh*t? That’s bad. But how come you say it’s good? Is there such a thing as good sh*t?
Chinese Guy: No, no, not that sh*t.
AsX: Huh?
Chinese Guy: You know? The sh*t… emmm.. let me spell… S. H. I. P!
I finally understood what he was trying to say. It’s this place!
Luckily he was not a salesman selling car for Cath. If so, Cath might now be driving a Honda ‘Sh*tty’ (City)!
Some people have difficulty pronouncing some English word, even successfully people like my boss’s boss’s boss’s boss. This was usually the fun thing that kept me interested in a boring meeting or department update – spotting his mispronounced English word. For some, I would just count how many ‘Emm’ or ‘Okay’ in his words or speech.
I ever encountered a person asking me to go to ‘Cigarette’ Recipe to buy cake for someone’s birthday when I later realized that it was Secret Recipe.

I heard from friends regarding a joke on an accident caused by bread. The guy was driving his car when suddenly his passenger screamed out “BREAD!!!” when he saw a cat crossing the road. He meant brake. The driver did not stop his car on time because he was trying to search for a bakery shop instead.
I also had some pronunciation difficulties but just minor one. I remembered seeing Cannas's and Cath's confused face when I said ‘envylope’ when I meant envelope.
For now, the main problem with me is not mispronunciation. I kept saying Victoria’s Secret instead of Victoria Station. Too much porn for me?
‘Cigarette’ Recipe..okay..haha..let me try..
my boss always talk about his honda "sial vee" which always rosak tengah jalan.
Wah terrible, secret = cigarette.
if u ask me, The Sh*t is out la.. VS wins by 1 million myles in terms of eveliting, if in KL. not so sure abt Seberang Petai though..
eng deng he nik to beng in his money to shitty bang!! hahahahaha
twenty-six -> Try asking for Dunhill Cake :p
Harmony -> That guy has Arabic accent
Gunner-> u tried the Prai one? Any comment?
Cath -> And you are driving it =P
Lion -> Tot u r using the card?
no i'm just imitating a ah beng slang..
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