Do you remember this? Unfortunately the renovation is starting, now the living has transformed from like this

to like this.

So, where should I be spending my few days when the renovation continues till my room?
Here’s the plan:
The gym at my workplace opens at 7am and close at 9pm everyday, even public holiday.

Usually during the opening or around closing time, there will be less people around.

So every morning, I shall use the shower place for a nice warm bath, and get ready for work.
Then I will pretend to walk into the office as if I have just arrived work late (around 8.30am – 9am). Every evening, I shall do the same and get myself ready for bed.
So, where should I be sleeping? Luckily my workplace opens 24 hours everyday, so I shall ‘borrow’ a conference room.

To prevent the guards from disturbing, I shall put a note outside, saying important meeting is going on. This should keep the guards from knocking the door, disturbing my sleep. J

I get comfortable easily, just a pillow will do. The cool temperature from the air-conditioner is a bonus!

Not bad of an idea, huh?
why is ur office open 24 hrs? it's a credit card company is it?
Nope... McD 24 hours one... Hohoho!
wanna con ppl lagi ar? go use the relaxation room at upstairs la. got massage chair and play station sumore.
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