2 months ago, Lion gave me a call. He sounded very excited that Dreckker would be visiting Peninsular Malaysia for around one week in August. He suggested a road trip between me, him, Dreckker and Han (one of our childhood friend who worked in KL). It was really a great idea!
What I had in mind was a road trip between four of us, maybe travel from KL to Penang then hopefully to
Could not imagine how 4 guys with different profession (Engineer, Engineering Support Person, Financial Analyst and IT Company Director) getting together on a road trip. It might be pretty fun!
But for sure Lion would be the crazy one, similar to the last guy in the clips below.
Maybe it might be something cool as below but hilarious! Another Lion doing again? (the last person in the clips)
Couldn’t wait for that day to come! We should start discussion soon! For sure i will be blogging our road trip!
Really beautiful posting. Nice photos and very nice motos.
ehh... how come I was the short one in the image??
and I think you need to update you data lehh... I is not Financial Analyst wei... It's Research.A in fact... you very fail lar...
David -> Thx for dropping by. :)
dreckker -> Opps tat was not according to the order one. Financial Analyst, Research Analyst; or Potato, Potáto;or Tomato, Tomáto... It's the sama lar
hola say me until like tat....who's the engineer ar?
I'm now a sales rep... hahaha
dreckker: i agree someone really fail la hahahah
but guys any suggestion of where are we going?
no girls hopefully?? which gurl you all want to bring?
tiu nia sing hahaha
sommore you fail you england leh..
should be Coming Soon IN August 2009, not "ON"...
fail fail fail fail fail....
one more thing...
AsX, AXE, ASS, ASSSS... same oso...
ok ok... so about the ROAD TRIP... mau pigi mana ahh???
Sorry lor.. i blog at midnight one lar... didn't pay attention at my England...
So...where? where? Han joining?
Han i send him a offline msg liao he will reply soon gua.. slowly drive up to thailand sounds good.. where else? east coast n all the way to perhentian?
to me doesnt really matter where to but so long it's just us n a roadtrip
Ya, it won't matter because u will always be the craziest! We shall draw lot to see who will be sharing room with u!
makuliu 'swan' me...
AsX: eh so me n han are propose the kl to ipoh to penang up north to thailand route or you got any other route to suggest?
hahahhaa.... the forth biker sure ah-ling punya style... hahahaha...
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