10/18: Okay, my job caught up on me, need to work even on weekends. Well, let me continue blogging on my trip. Sorry guys!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Password - Your Choice and How Do You Remember?

Our digital life revolves a lot on password. I don’t know about others but I have a lot of passwords to remember because some need different criteria:

  • ATMs: 6 digits
  • Office: Alphanumerical with at least one special character or different casing of alphabet; and the need to change it every 3 months
  • Public Emails: Some don’t allow special characters and cannot be too long
  • Some Online Forums: At least 8 characters long
  • Some Online Gaming Site: Maximum 8 Characters long.

That’s why I usually store all my passwords in a place where I protect it with another set of password. L Anyway, changing password is also a head-aching task.

When you run out of password to choose, you tend to use stupid ones, such as body part; but ends up having personal impact. J

So, how do you guys manage to remember all password? How do you choose a new ones?


dreckker said...

then you should type something like this:


then should be okay wad...

AsX said...

Oh gee, i should not publish that joke. It seems like i'm running some vulgar website over here.

RealGunners said...

if you type something like, penisordickorkukujiaoorlampa, perhaps you'd get a more favourable error message

AsX said...

Gunner -> Yeah, good one.. i should do tat to make myself feel better, so wat account i should use this for?

renaye said...

i can remember all of my pw. :)