10/18: Okay, my job caught up on me, need to work even on weekends. Well, let me continue blogging on my trip. Sorry guys!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Max, the Cute Maltese

This is Max, a Maltese. It was a really cute puppy.


I got to know it when Dreckker and I was hanging out at Daniel’s new house. 

Just in case you don’t know who are Daniel and Dreckker, they are my best friends since primary school! Daniel is a charming person that is due for delivery; 

whereas Dreckker is a smart person who knows a special technique or style that could handle a dog while I snap the photo below. In short, should I name the style as….


Do you know why Daniel name the puppy, Max? Because he was too inspired by the movie Max Payne. I forgot to ask Daniel which one comes first, the dog or the name. Probably Daniel was not expecting his wife to get a toy dog; or maybe he wished Max would one day grow up and save the world.


Guess what was Max’s toy? A doll bunny! 

We used it as a toy for Max to play fetch. 

Max is a super active puppy, but sometimes when it is tired; it would just rest under the table while licking or chewing people’s toe. 

However, when it starts to get annoying, we will just need to jail it!


Don’t know when will be my next time to visit Max again. L


Anu said...

Cool post. Max is very cute!

dreckker said...

ehhh bugger.... what doggy style...

RealGunners said...

"This is Max, a Maltese. It WAS a really cute puppy."

Great, so what happened to it now?

AsX said...

Anu -> Thanks!

Dreckker -> Doggy Style is short form for "a special technique or style that could handle a dog while I snap the photo" See? So wordful...

Gunner -> When it shit or keep 'kacauing' ppl, it no longer cute lar...

dreckker said...

wordful your head ahh....wtf...






Lion in the Jungle said...

no wonder.. didnt see dreckker into new relationship... dog lover liao....men's best friend eh?

dreckker said...




