10/18: Okay, my job caught up on me, need to work even on weekends. Well, let me continue blogging on my trip. Sorry guys!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Proof: Air Asia Seat Uncomfortable

I always complain that Air Asia seat is very uncomfortable, especially for domestic flight (where there is not XL seats). Some people just don’t believe me at all. Well, here is a proof for all of you.


Imagine this guy taking a seat trying to be comfortable for 2 hours journey to Kuching. Maybe he might end up being stuck in one of the seat. Poor guy he could not stand after the flight, maybe his body has deformed?


shadowburble said...

i believe that it's not only that.. like do you realize that u actually can't move the seats backwards sometimes during a flight when u want to just tilt a little to nap for a while because the seat might somehow obstruct other ppl's space where they put their legs . And for the whole journey, you can only sit straight, which is , extremely uncomfortable for me == .

Anonymous said...

ok, so please tell all the big size and fat guys in malaysia and the whole world NOT to fly airasia forever...and fat & big ladies too.

i love that because i am small size....i have no problem.

i had even fly airasia to guangzhao, china more than 10 times which is a more than 4 hours flight.

renaye said...

the seat looks comfortable but i don't like its head design. i don't understand how can that makes someone's head comfortable when we lie our head there.

AsX said...

shadowburble -> Totally agree!

Anonymous -> So that mean they are 'fatist' (adapted from 'racist')! I shall keep fitter.

Renaye -> Maybe it design is for those with smaller head? :p