10/18: Okay, my job caught up on me, need to work even on weekends. Well, let me continue blogging on my trip. Sorry guys!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Penang is Turning Into Desert!

I don’t know what is happening around Penang but it seemed like Global Warming seems affecting the weather. I don’t know about other states but the grass around whole Penang is dying due to the blazing sun and intense heat. 

The only good thing about this is the sight looks similar to autumn season;

but the bad thing is that when the dry grass caught fire, the fire might spread to whole Penang!


One month back, State Meteorological Department strangely recorded a dip of 3°C in temperature for Penang and other Northern regions. Now Penang slowly turns into desert! What is happening here?


Anonymous said...

yeah... and the nites in Penang nowadays are bloody hot too....

Anonymous said...

I think all along Penang are loody hot, because they are surrounded by water, only thing is we have aircond, so most people forget how hot penang is.... but now I think Perak is hotter...haha

Anonymous said...

Macam pompuan lah you.....