10/18: Okay, my job caught up on me, need to work even on weekends. Well, let me continue blogging on my trip. Sorry guys!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Skin Disease – I Look Horrible!

This is going to be the second time I am going to wear spectacles to work. The first was my red eyes a few months ago.


I don’t remember peeking at naked ladies (there was a funny Chinese belief that some eye diseases were result of this). And doctor ruled out anything wrong with my eyes….for now..., just the skin around my eyes, and there is this burning sensation whenever I touch it or shut my eyes.

I told the doctor that I suspect that it might be fungus infection because it started spreading. (Yeah, I love pretending doctor in front of doctor!) But the doctor said that since it did not cause itchiness. It might not be so. So he recommended a cream for the skin and eye drop for my eyes for trying.


When he said “give it a try”, I felt like a guinea pig or white rat.


I might go for a second opinion. Any doctor out there?


Annoymous said...

Consult a doctor, we bloggers are helpless :D

AsX said...

Some doctors are bloggers too... i think...

Anonymous said...

Now believe in 'God' liao?
dai sei... :p

Anonymous said...

Look at more porn! Aggravate it!

dreckker said...

but seriously... wtf happened ahh??

AsX said...

Luckily i was not caused by porn at all.. phew! For updated info, look at the next entry...