10/18: Okay, my job caught up on me, need to work even on weekends. Well, let me continue blogging on my trip. Sorry guys!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Fake Tax Submission Site?

Just now I was planning to finalize my tax form submission because usually the server would jam up on the last day. However, I forgot the website and plan to ‘google’ it through using keyword ‘ehasil’.


Strangely, 2 similar sites popped up – one with ‘gov’ 

while the other one with ‘org’ as the address.


I got curious and visited both sites. Everything was exactly the same!


I knew that the ‘gov’ one was the real site but for now I seemed could not find out the difference between them and the hidden intention behind the ‘org’ one.  


Maybe there are some experts or specialists out there that could look into this?


Hock Lai said...

I think both are owned by IRB. But to be save go for the gov.

But when I tried enter the org, it give a security warning - Invalid SSL certificate (cert meant for gov). Think the org is just a redirect website to the main gov website. Just my 2 cents...

panda said...

the .org is the old website address, whereas the .gov is the current one that we should be using... :)