10/18: Okay, my job caught up on me, need to work even on weekends. Well, let me continue blogging on my trip. Sorry guys!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Difference Between Malaysia and Australia In The Eyes of the Public

Australia: Enjoying reading while relaxing under the sunlight at the beach.

Malaysia: He is either crazy or homeless!

Australia: Clothing to wear when buying things at wet market

Malaysia: Clothing to wear when selling at “wet” market

Australia: When you feel like it, it is anyway and anytime.

Malaysia: I will visit you both in lock-up!

(Relating to the park incident above…...)

Australia: It’s nice to see couples madly in love!

Malaysia: Free porn! Off… off… off! Woo hoo!

Australia: Seagulls enjoying themselves at the park

Malaysia: Food! Roasted Seagulls anyone?

Australia: You can address your mum by her name, and scold her by her name.

Malaysia: You did this? Bye bye, childhood!

Australia: The only fake things that I know.

Malaysia: Careful when buying from the street, sometimes the stuffs, especially imported ones, might be fake.


dreckker said...

waa waa waaaa... eye candy... :)

I miss Aussie larrrrrr....

AsX said...

You should work there last time. Then you would be earning twice than me, drive good car, love those sexy girls, and have as much liquor as you can take!