10/18: Okay, my job caught up on me, need to work even on weekends. Well, let me continue blogging on my trip. Sorry guys!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


After seeing me limping around these few days,  Mum finally could not stand it and went to buy me a pack of medicated patch for my injured ankle – "Pain Relieving Salonpas Patch". Apparently, it contained vitamin E, a smoother and younger looking skin?  

When she handed it to me, she used the usual phrase whenever any of my siblings fell sick or got injured, “ So old still don’t know how to take care of yourself ”. Well, I had not heard that for quite some time but it was nice to hear the voice of my mother’s love again (The next famous phrase in the family was "Lazyworm!")


How was my ankle after one week? Still bruised!

Opening the packet, I took out the patch. It smelled like those plaster that was applied by those old folks. Now I don’t only walk like an old man, I smell like one too! Oh no!

Apparently, one patch was not enough for my ankle, I needed two!

In short, Mum is the greatest! Muack!

1 comment:

Lion in the Jungle said...

yo bro! how's your mum? sent her my regards..