Have you been to a Chinese Wedding Ceremony before? It involves a few processes. First, the groom would need to go to the bride’s house with his ‘brothers’ (usually close friends or relatives, reason? Explain later).
Early morning, get the cars ready!
Sticker ready!
Teddy Bears to lead the way!
Arrive destination with the ‘brothers’ and charge to the front door!
This is where the danger begins and the ‘brothers’ becomes useful.
The girls at the gate are the ‘sisters’ and their job is to test how sincere the groom is to take the bride. This is where the ‘brothers’ need to assist the groom to perform the tasks set by the ‘sisters’. Unfortunately, I am one of the ‘brothers’.
Task 1: Pass the plum with your mouth from one ‘brother’ to another. I guess the sisters had enjoyed Brokeback Mountain to want to watch it Live! Eeew!
Task 2: The brothers would need to put lipstick on their lips and kiss on a white paper.
Done! But I don’t know which ‘sister’ kept the paper later because I could not find it after the ceremony. Geee! By the way, guess which one was mine!
Task 3: Sing a song! Easy lar! Our voice did not crack any glasses also.
Final task: “Show me the money!”
Actually, after passing the final test, the groom would need to negotiate with the sisters on the cost for her to let the groom in to get his ‘prize’. The money is given inside a red packet.
The grand prize is his wife, Jen Jen!
As for the ‘brothers’, we got to watch.
Again, congratulation Ming Kit and Jen Jen!
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