10/18: Okay, my job caught up on me, need to work even on weekends. Well, let me continue blogging on my trip. Sorry guys!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What Started Well, Ended Bad

I knew my happy day would not end well; just didn’t know at what time of the day bad things would occur. Usually my fate is that I have a balance life – Good things will always be complimented by bad stuffs.


I started my day feeling happy and relaxed after making up my mind. At noon, MC became an unofficial dealer of Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad by offering his shareholder vouchers to get us Carlsberg products at very special price. I managed to get one carton of Jolly Shandy Peach Flavor at RM20 

as well as one carton of Nutrimalt (my favourite beer replacement) at RM19. Woo Hoo!

At 4.30pm, I went to gym and realized that I managed to lose more than 1 kg in less than 2 weeks. Yeah, finally! Or something wrong with the weighting scale…. Never mind!


In the evening, my boss loved my proposal for a technical paper that a friend (will reveal this person in future) and I were going to write that he asked me to put some effort on it.


I worked till 1am, managed to root-cause some issue on my project and headed home happily.


It was almost a fine day until when I reached home; I had to park my car far far away because of space constraint. I was carrying my 2 cartoons of drinks, my work bag and my gym bag at the same time, had to walk more than 100 meters to reach my apartment.

And that’s not it! Upon reaching the lift, there was a sign saying that it was out of order. 

So, I had to crawl up the staircase with all those stuffs to my rented apartment at level 9. I reached my front door almost breathless but then I realized that I left my door key in my car!


Hiding my stuff, I went to fetch my key and finally let myself into my apartment.


Now I am typing this blog with shaky hands… Sigh!

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